Saturday, December 26, 2009
Day after Christmas
Well Christmas was pretty good. I got an Ipod like I had been wanting wich is pretty sweet. I got a couple of the cds I wanted among other things. It was a good with the family...I even stayed with my cousins and were still getting along wich is unusual. I have to send out prayers to the VanDerVeen family with such a tragedy right before Christmas. But ya just a quick update. Have a Happy New Year everyone!
my life
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Turkey Day
So today was long and boring...sort of...but things should get better cuz my bro and dad are in town. It's pretty great gettin to see my bro again it's been to long...even tho its only been a couple of months. I love the little monster a lot. So full of turkey and stuffing and sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie...oh can't forget the mountain dew. It was a pretty good thanksgiving meal and it was nice to have more than just the typical's there. Ready for Chritstmas break from school. So ya just a quick my thoughts update...kinda. Peace out.
my life
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Beginning of second quarter
So we reached the beginning of the second quarter at school and guess what I spend the first week sick. I got a sinus infection and needless to say it flat out kicked my butt. Then of course I finally start feeling better and the one day I feel absolutely amazing and want to go to school we get a snow day. It was great...not. Anywho school is going fine. I'm pretty much in the same boat as my last post. I've had a little bit of drama but nothing to bad....shocking I know. Anywho ya just a quick update on whats going on in my life.
jr. year
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
So school has officially started...and needless to say I find it kinda boring. I'm already ready to have a just isn't interesting this year. I don't know why for sure but thats the way it is. I like pretty much all of my classes which is saying a lot because normally I find one I don't like. The few friends I still have are amazing...thank goodness for the Upward Bound class and the friends I have made in it. My besties keep me up and running and actually listen to me when I need someone to. Jennifer, Jessica, and Alicia are the best. So ya my current opinion on school.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Well I decided to do another post after all
So summers has been knda busy after UB. I've been to Rapid City, and Denver, and Kansas, and am currently in Valentine. I have had no break this summer but that's ok I stay out of trouble that way. I am glad I am in Valentine give me a nice change. My dad's easier goin than my mom which means i get to do more. Plus I can actually drive up here. It's the first night and it's ok kinda boring but I expected that anyways. Just wanted to give a quick update. Laters!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Final Moments
Well I'm sittin in the computer lab in conestoga waitin to leave. This place has become another home to many of us including me. I love all the new friends I met and I am really going to miss them. I'm ready to get out of this place yet I don't want to leave. Thing have finally gotten good and now it's time to go. I'm really going to miss this place and hope that I'll get to keep in contact with everyone. I love you all!!!!
Life while at Upward Bound
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Engaged??? Ya right

So I don't want to offend anyone but I find it extremely stupid when kids ages 14-18 say they are absolutely in love and are engaged. How can you know who you want to settle down with at such a young age. And to say your that serious when things don't work out it's going to hurt a lot worse then a normal break up. I have an ex that just went through it and all he did was complain. Plus a lot of people only say they are engaged or want to be engaged so they feel more secure in the relationship. I know what it feels like to feel like your absolutely in love with someone and feel like your going to spend your whole life with them and it is a painful fall when it all comes to an end. As teenagers I don't think we should be so serious in our relationship. So sorry to anyone I may have offended but this is just my honest opinion.
my feelings
Monday, July 13, 2009
So soon...
Wow it's already the last week of the summer program. Where did all the time go??? It's been a bumpy ride but I have had a blast. I have made new friends which makes me smile; I've even gained some old ones back. I got to have fun doing different activities and learning things in classes I wouldn't of had otherwise. I am thankful I did this summer even though it started out bad. I have grown to like it up here and am honestly going to miss it. I can't wait for next summer!!!
Life while at Upward Bound
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Starting off as a Wedding Singer???

I found it kind of humorous and shocking when I read that Keith Urban started off as a Wedding Singer. I would have never pictured that. I like listening to his music some of it's pretty good. My favorite song of his is Tonight I Wanna Cry. After hearing that song and many of his others it really did surprise me that he sang for weddings and other little gigs like that before he became the star he is. Check out the blog for a few pics and to read some more info.
Music artists
Yesterday my day away from the campus
I had fun yesterday at Elitch Garden's for the most part. Yet I found myself thinking about being at the college quite a bit while I was there. I guess that means I really am starting to like it up here. I think I am going to miss it when the summer program is over. I have made new friends and absolutely am loving it even with some of the problems I've ran into.
Life while at Upward Bound
Thursday, July 2, 2009
My life

So my life hasn't been very easy for me although it's not as bad as it could be. When I was a toddler my dad was always kind of mean to me. He use to squeeze my wrists and would spank me without a good reason. He once spanked me in front of one of my cousins because my room was messy. My mom finally divorced him and from then on we never knew when I would see him. He would always call and tell me he was going to come see me, then late that night he would call my mom and have her explain to me he wasn't able to come. Or else he would say he was going to come see me and I would watch for him just for him to never show. It's getting a little better now that I am older because I talk to him more and he doesn't mind being around me because he's still a teenager at heart and can understand some of the things I am going through. He can still be a jerk but anymore my little brother, featured in another post, gets most of it. I feel sorry for him and am thankful I didn't have to live with him for my whole life because who knows what I would be like today.
About Me
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lil' Brother

So this is my little brother. His name is Cade and he's five. I don't see him very often and didn't even know he existed until he was 3. He is just a half brother and lives with my dad. He's a little cutie or so I think and I love him to death.
All about me
Friday, June 26, 2009
One of my fav songs
I absolutely love this song although it tends to upset me. I can't embed it so I'm just gonna give a link to it. The song is Better than Me by Hinder
This took me by surprise
I guess I would have never read about someone having bananas as a topic of world issues. There fore this article was kind of interesting to me. There are so many different issues that all go into bananas.
news articles
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Already sick of hearing about Michael Jackson dying
So Michael Jackson just died and I'm already sick of hearing about it. I know that he was a celebrity and all but it's really annoying. I also know I'm going to have to hear about it a lot more but I really don't care. I wanted to know what from and when I found that out I was like ok whatever. So ya thats just my opinion let me know what you think.
my feelings
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Actors excited to have twins
this article tells a little bit about how Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick are glad they had twins again. I couldn't find much else and these are a couple of names I recognized so I thought I would let every body know.
news on famous peoples
Just another country music artist

She may seem like a rough girl who isn't afraid of anyone or anything but Miranda has a soft spot for animals. This article talks about how Miranda holds a charity for a humane society in Texas. I think its interesting to see what some of the more common country music artist do in their spare time.
Music artists
Monday, June 22, 2009
Good ol' George Strait havin a conert reminding people why he's artist of the decade

I have to say I am very much so a country fan and have grown up listenin to George Strait. I enjoyed reading bout one of his last concerts and honestly didn't know that he was artist of the decade so this told me that. I know quite a few of the songs he had sang at this concert and personally like most of them. I found this on CMT's website after subscribing to it because of the fact I am a country music fan.
Music artists
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Well time for a second post
I am having fun so far which I take to be a good sign. I am loving making new friends such as Chippy and getting back together with old friends such as Taylor Sevryn. I like the roommate I have and don't really mind the beds. I am enjoying vast majority of my classes and think that I will learn something worth while. I haven't ran into any drama yet which is a record for me because I tend to attract it all. :(
Life while at Upward Bound
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ropes course with upward bound
So I've figured out I'm talented I can fall off of chairs and hurt myself. It was funny it took five minutes before I even realized that I was bleeding. I had a blast though. Up until we got stuck in the guys bathroom because of the stupid tornado weather. Oh well I still had fun and that's all that really matters.
Life while at Upward Bound
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