Thursday, October 20, 2011

My life as of Oct. 20

So I'm bored in class. College is great! Life is great! I am happily engaged to an amazing man. We may have problems but we get over it. I couldn't be happier I don't think. Other than maybe having my best friend Jennifer here. I miss her. Anyways randomly felt like putting up something.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Life is still great even though I'm back to school. I still have that amazing boyfriend that I'm pretty sure isn't going to go away anytime soon. I still have my phone and haven't been grounded wich is amazing. I honestly don't think life could get much better than it is right now. Anyway that's a quick update.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

it's been awhile

so school has started. life is great. i have an amazing boyfriend. he is everything i could ever want or ask for. school isnt to bad so far. i am ready for bridge summer. anyway quick update.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Upward Bound 2010

So this summer hasn't seemed near as fun as last summer was. I am completely ready to go home and get away from all the drama and everything else. Although my team has been most definitely better there has been plenty of things go on that made this summer kinda crappy. I miss a lot of the teachers we had last year including Mr. Merrigan. English has been hard and so has russian. I have made a couple of new friends which is making it well worth it but I am still ready to go home. so here's a quick update on what I have been doing for the month of june.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


So within the last week I have managed to lose two of my friends. I feel absolutely horrible for the cause of the loss of the first one. Stupid venting you tend to get me in trouble. Anyways the second one I lost but it was for a good cause. It's all so depressing IDK what to do I hate it. Last weeknd was amazing the I love spending time with the youth group rally group. They are some of my closest friends anymore. I'm also loving texting this amazing guy from Alliance. To bad I know we will never date because he would be totally worth it. Anyways quicky update. Oh ya did I mention that I got a 27 on the ACT feeling pretty good bout it.